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Google: Android is more secure than the iPhone

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Eric Schmidt, Executive of the American multinational corporation Google has stated on Monday, Android is
more secure than iPhone.

Analyst of Gartner, David Willis, said to Schmidt in a 45-minute question-and-answer session with Willis and his Gartner colleague Drue Reeves, also a Gartner Distinguished Analyst.

“If you polled many people in this audience they would say Google Android is not their principal platform [...]
--> When you say Android, people say, wait a minute, Android is not secure.”
The Google Executive responded on jerk, ”Not secure? It’s more secure than the iPhone…”

Willis: ”What I heard was Android is more secure than the iPhone.”

Schmidt: ”Android is very secure.”

While android has over a billion users, Schmidt explains, the Android platform is through rigorous real-world security testing.

Android Operating System is the world’s most popular operating system to date knocking off iPhone in the scene.
Source: ZDnet.

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